
Use cache_set() to cache a variable. The function accepts the following parameters:

  • KEY: The variable to assign and cache.
  • VALUE: Value to assign and cache.
  • TTL: (optional), Time-To-Live of cache entry in seconds (see TTL for details).
  • TYPE: (optional), Cmake cache entry type, BOOL, STRING,…etc. Defaults to STRING if not specified.
  • DESCRIPTION: (optional), Description of cache entry.


Invoking the cache_set() function, is the equivalent to using CMake’s set(... CACHE FORCE).


    KEY foo
    VALUE "bar"

message("${foo}") # bar


You can optionally specify a time-to-live (ttl) duration (in seconds), for the cache entry. Whenever the cached variable is queried (via has or get), the entry will automatically be removed, if it has expired.

    KEY foo
    VALUE "bar"
    TTL 5

# ... Elsewhere in your cmake scripts, 5 seconds later...

cache_get(KEY foo)

message("${foo}") # (empty string)