Test Suite

The define_test_suite() function is used to group related test cases into a test suite.


The following parameters are accepted:

  • < name >: Human readable name of test suite. The parameter is also used to label tests (see labels).
  • DIRECTORY: Path to directory that contains test-cases.
  • MATCH: (optional), Glob pattern used to match test-case files. Defaults to *_test.cmake (see match pattern).

Rebuild Required

Changes to function define_test_suite() parameters requires you to rebuild your project, before the changes take effect.



define_test_suite("unit" DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/unit")
define_test_suite("integration" DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/integration")

Given the above shown example, when define_test_suite() is invoked, it will recursively search for files¹ in the specified directory. Each file is then included into the current CMake scope. This means that calls to define_test_case() and define_test() are registered (tests are added to ctest).

After you have built your CMake project, you will be able to run the tests.

ctest --output-on-failure --test-dir <your-build-directory>/tests

¹: See match pattern.

Match Pattern

By default, only files that match *_test.cmake will be processed by define_test_suite(). If this is not to your liking, then you can specify a custom match pattern:

    MATCH "*Test.cmake"


The < name > parameter is used to automatically used as a label for all tests within the test suite. This allows you to use ctest’s label regex functionality and thereby only run the tests from the suite that you wish.

ctest --output-on-failure \
  --label-regex "integration" \
  --test-dir <your-build-directory>/tests