Version File(s)

In this section you can find examples on how to read and write a version string, from and to a file.

Write Version File

Use write_version_file() to write a version string to a specified file. The function accepts two parameters:

  • FILE: Path to target file in which the version must be written
  • VERSION: (optional) The version string to write in file (see “default version” for details).



    FILE "version.txt"
    VERSION "v1.4.3"


write_version_file() expects the VERSION parameter to be a valid version string that can be parsed by semver_parse(). A fatal error is raised, if that is not the case.

Default Version

If the VERSION parameter is not specified, then git_find_version_tag() is used to obtain the nearest version tag. This will then be written to the target version file.

Read Version File

The version_from_file() can be used to read a version string from a specified file. Once a version string has been obtained, it will be parsed using semver_parse.



    FILE "version.txt"
    OUTPUT my_package

message("${my_package}_SEMVER") # 2.0.0-beta.3+AF1004
message("${my_package}_VERSION") # 2.0.0


Just like the write_version_file() function, the version_from_file() also parses the version string using semver_parse(). A fatal error is raised, if the version string is not valid.

Default Version

If the given file does not contain a version string, then "0.0.0" is returned. To change this behaviour, specify the DEFAULT parameter.

    FILE "version.txt"
    OUTPUT my_package
    DEFAULT "1.0.0"

message("${my_package}_VERSION") # 1.0.0

Exit on Failure

When the EXIT_ON_FAILURE option is set, the function will raise a fatal error in the following situations:

  • If the version file does not exist.
  • If obtained version string cannot be parsed.

The DEFAULT parameter will be ignored, if this option is set.

    FILE "unknown-file"
    OUTPUT my_package
    DEFAULT "1.0.0"
) # Fatal Error: Version file unknown-file does not exist