Log Levels

PSR Log Levels

The logging module defines the following log levels (severities), from PSR-3: Logger Interface - (In accordance with RFC 5424).

Psr Log Level Description
EMERGENCY_LEVEL System is unusable.
ALERT_LEVEL Action must be taken immediately.
CRITICAL_LEVEL Critical conditions.
ERROR_LEVEL Error conditions.
WARNING_LEVEL Warning conditions.
NOTICE_LEVEL Normal but significant condition.
INFO_LEVEL Informational messages.
DEBUG_LEVEL Debug-level messages.

CMake Message Modes

All the PSR log levels are associated with the following cmake message modes. This means that cmake’s current log level is respected, when using any of the logging functions that are offered by this module.

Psr Log Level CMake Message Mode Mode Description
EMERGENCY_LEVEL FATAL_ERROR CMake Error, stops processing and generation.
ALERT_LEVEL FATAL_ERROR CMake Error, stops processing and generation.
CRITICAL_LEVEL FATAL_ERROR CMake Error, stops processing and generation.
ERROR_LEVEL SEND_ERROR CMake Error, continues processing, but skips generation.
WARNING_LEVEL WARNING CMake Warning, continues processing.
NOTICE_LEVEL NOTICE Important message printed to stderr.
INFO_LEVEL NOTICE Important message printed to stderr.
DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG Detailed informational messages intended for developers.


To change the default PSR log level / cmake message mode association, set the RSP_LOG_LEVELS_CMAKE list property, before you include the rsp/logging module or by force caching the property.

Use the following format for associating the levels:

"<psr> <cmake_mode>" 
  • <psr>: PSR log level name.
  • <cmake_mode>: cmake’s message modes.

    CACHE STRING "Log levels / message mode"