The rsp/output modules comes with support for ANSI, which will allow you to format and style your console output.

How to enable / disable

To enable ANSI output, set the RSP_ENABLE_ANSI option to true, when importing this project. By default, the option is set to false.

    NAME                rsp-cmake-scripts
    VERSION             x.y.z
        "RSP_ENABLE_ANSI true"
    # ...remaining not shown ...


Once you have enabled ANSI for your project, then you can use a series of predefined properties (ANSI escape sequences) are available throughout your cmake scripts. These can be used to format your console output messages.

message("${COLOR_GREEN}${TEXT_ITALIC}Build success${RESTORE}, for ${PROJECT_NAME}")

The above shown example should output a message, where the first part is in green coloured, and italic styled text. The second part should be in normal styled text.

Build success, for < your-cmake-project-name >


Use the RESTORE (ESC[0m) property if you wish to reset any previous set colour or style.

message("${TEXT_BOLD}Component:${RESTORE} ready")

Component: ready

Text Styles

The following shows the default preset text styles:

Property Name Control Sequence Code Example
TEXT_BOLD bold 1 My style
TEXT_BOLD_RESTORE bold (restore) 22 My style
TEXT_DIM dim 2 My style
TEXT_DIM_RESTORE dim (restore) 22 My style
TEXT_ITALIC italic 3 My style
TEXT_ITALIC_RESTORE italic (restore) 23 My style
TEXT_UNDERLINE underline 4 My style
TEXT_UNDERLINE_RESTORE underline (restore) 24 My style
TEXT_BLINK blink 5 My style
TEXT_BLINK_RESTORE blink (restore) 25 My style
TEXT_INVERSE inverse 7 My style
TEXT_INVERSE_RESTORE inverse (restore) 27 My style
TEXT_HIDDEN hidden 8 My style
TEXT_HIDDEN_RESTORE inverse (restore) 28 My style
TEXT_STRIKETHROUGH strikethrough 9 My style
TEXT_STRIKETHROUGH_RESTORE strikethrough (restore) 29 My style


Depending on your terminal, not all text styles might be supported!


The following default foreground and background colours are supported:

Property Name Control Sequence Code Example
COLOR_BLACK black 30
My Style
COLOR_BG_BLACK black (background) 40
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_BLACK black bright 90
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_BG_BLACK black bright (background) 100
My Style
COLOR_RED red 31
My Style
COLOR_BG_RED red (background) 41
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_RED red bright 91
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_BG_RED red bright (background) 101
My Style
COLOR_GREEN green 32
My Style
COLOR_BG_GREEN green (background) 42
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_GREEN green bright 92
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_BG_GREEN green bright (background) 102
My Style
COLOR_YELLOW yellow 33
My Style
COLOR_BG_YELLOW yellow (background) 43
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_YELLOW yellow bright 93
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_BG_YELLOW yellow bright (background) 103
My Style
COLOR_BLUE blue 34
My Style
COLOR_BG_BLUE blue (background) 44
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_BLUE blue bright 94
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_BG_BLUE blue bright (background) 104
My Style
COLOR_MAGENTA magenta 35
My Style
COLOR_BG_MAGENTA magenta (background) 45
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_MAGENTA magenta bright 95
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_BG_MAGENTA magenta bright (background) 105
My Style
COLOR_CYAN cyan 36
My Style
COLOR_BG_CYAN cyan (background) 46
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_CYAN cyan bright 96
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_BG_CYAN cyan bright (background) 106
My Style
COLOR_WHITE white 37
My Style
COLOR_BG_WHITE white (background) 47
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE white bright 97
My Style
COLOR_BRIGHT_BG_WHITE white bright (background) 107
My Style
COLOR_DEFAULT default (reset foreground) 39 My Style
COLOR_BG_DEFAULT default (reset background) 49 My Style


Depending on your terminal, colours might be rendered different from the above shown examples!

Your own styles

To customise the default preset, set the RSP_ANSI_PRESET list property, before including the rsp/output module, and before enabling ANSI. Use the following format for declaring your own styles and colours:

"<variable> <code>[|<code>]..." 
  • <variable>: name of your style or colour.
  • <code>: control sequence code.
  • |: separator (when you define a style that uses multiple codes)
    # Define your own ANSI preset...
        "RESTORE 0"

        "MY_STYLE 1|31|23" # Set style to bold, italic, and red foreground.

        "TEXT_BOLD 1"
        "TEXT_DIM 2"

        # ... remaining not shown ...

        # RECOMMENDED: you should cache your preset!
        CACHE STRING "My custom ANSI preset"

Tip: disable and re-enable

If you have customised the default provided ANSI preset, and your styles and colours have not taken effect, it could be caused of by previous cached preset.

To resolve such an issue, disable and then re-enable ANSI. Doing so will clear previous cached properties and cache your custom preset.