Run Tests

To run test tests, you must first ensure that you build your CMake project. Once you have done so, use the ctest executable to execute the tests.

ctest --output-on-failure --test-dir <your-build-directory>/tests

Run Specific Tests

To run only certain tests, use the --label-regex option.

ctest --output-on-failure \
  --label-regex "unit" \
  --test-dir <your-build-directory>/tests

For additional information, see “labels” section in test suites and test cases.

Run Parallel

To run tests in parallel, use the --parallel option.

ctest --output-on-failure --parallel --test-dir <your-build-directory>/tests

Run Failed

To (re)run tests that have failed, use the --rerun-failed option.

ctest --rerun-failed --test-dir <your-build-directory>/tests


For additional command line arguments and options, please review the official documentation for the ctest executable.